Our Story
Charles and JoAnn Gardner incorporated Sterling Ideas Inc on June 30, 1999, but its real history started much earlier than that.
That spirit had to wait, however. As a young husband and new father, Charles worked for several large corporations to make ends meet. During that time, he worked on complicated computer systems, learning about administration and automation. The knowledge Charles gained from managing complicated systems was exactly what he wanted to bring to small businesses, so, in the summer of 1999, he decided it was the right time to follow the entrepreneurial path and start his own business. It seemed fitting to the Gardners to honor their firstborn son Sterling by naming the company Sterling Ideas. After all, they knew if they could convince small businesses to protect data better, it would indeed be a sterling idea.
The beginning was hard, though. The phones didn’t ring. There weren’t any clients. No one was knocking down the door to hire Sterling Ideas. In fact, one company Charles taught for went bankrupt and left its instructors (including Charles) with thousands of dollars of unpaid pay. It was devastating to a family with young children, but, by the grace of God, Sterling Ideas survived. Client by client, the company grew. Charles worked alone for almost two full decades, acquiring clients through honest business practices with integrity, hard work, and many late nights. It is a badge of honor that several of his original clients are still on the books today.
In 2018, Sterling graduated from the University of Florida and joined his father at the family business, finally giving Charles someone to work alongside and share the day-to-day demands. There was a synergistic effect with father and son working together, and soon more and more work came their way. It was obvious that even more help was needed.

At that time, JoAnn, a middle school English teacher of ten years, started working from home just like everyone else across the globe. It was in those quiet days when the world was waiting that she realized just how much her husband handled every day. She wanted to join him and help him. It was not an easy decision to leave teaching, but JoAnn made the choice in the spring of 2020 to retire at the end of the school year. She started working in August with Charles and Sterling in the company’s first non-technical role: Service Manager.

Team members like Jonathan, Harleigh, and Jacob make the company stronger. The outcome of their good work is that even more clients thrive, just as Charles envisioned so many years ago.
This is the Sterling Ideas story so far, and it’s just the start of great things to come.
Our Vision
Our clients thrive. The world becomes a better place.
Our Team

Charles Gardner
President & Senior Service Delivery Engineer

Todd Long
Director of Technology & Senior Service Delivery Engineer

Sterling Gardner
Project Manager & Senior Service Delivery Engineer

Jonathan S. Long
Service Delivery Engineer

Jacob McCravy
Service Delivery Engineer

JoAnn Gardner
Compliance Manager

Harleigh Long
Support Specialist

Hannah Gardner
Support Specialist

Our Sidekicks


Han Solo


